When you’re in an auto accident, you need to make a report to your insurance company. One of the first things that the insurance company asks about the auto accident is for you to give a statement on a telephone interview recording. Knowing how to respond makes a huge difference in your case if you feel that you deserve compensation for the accident. In fact, if you had an injury, it is best to talk with an auto accident lawyer before you talk with the insurance company.
Recording a statement about the car accident
An insurance company asks for a recorded statement because it assists in their investigation of the auto accident. The insurance adjuster wants statements from all parties in the accident and witnesses (if available). You have the right to decline making a statement on a recording. Instead, you may issue a statement in writing. This is an especially good idea if you think that you have a personal injury case after a car wreck. If you do speak with an insurance adjuster, provide only facts about the accident. Don’t offer any additional information that will make your case weaker. Examples of statements that make your case weaker include things that indicate your state of mind at the time of the accident. Probably, problems in your life and how you feel about the injury are not necessary to the facts.
It is a good idea to write down the facts of the wreck before the insurance company asks about the car accident. Then, you know exactly what to say. If you have injuries from the accident, talk with an auto injury attorney before you talk with an insurance company.
What an insurance company asks about auto accidents
The insurance company will ask for many details. When you’re in a car accident, sometimes the details are difficult to remember because everything happens so fast. Therefore, don’t let this throw you off. Just answer what you can. Talking with an auto accident lawyer before talking with an insurance company will also help you know what to say. Questions that an insurance company asks about auto accidents include:
- When did the accident happen (day and time)?
- What is the exact location of the accident?
- How did the accident happen? What did you see and hear?
- What other vehicles (cars/trucks/motorcycles) were in the accident?
- Was anyone hurt? How?
- Were the police at the scene of the accident? Did they make a report?
- Did paramedics treat anyone at the scene or take anyone to the hospital?
- Do you have contact information for the other parties in the accident?
- Was your vehicle towed away from the scene? If yes, to what location/repair shop?
- Do you have copies of paperwork relating to the accident? (bills, receipts)
An insurance adjuster has a lot of cases to handle, and their goal is to move to a settlement quickly. They use the telephone interview to determine responsibility and how much to pay. Know that you don’t have to make a settlement with the offer they provide. Finally, if you are injured in a car accident, talk with an auto accident attorney before you agree to settle.