6 Winter Road Safety Tips
With the holiday season in full swing, more people are taking road trips to visit family and friends or traveling to various festivities. In fact, AAA estimated that 3.6 million more people traveled at least 50 miles away from home during the winter season in 2022, and we should expect similar numbers this year. This surge in holiday traffic puts motorists at higher risk of being involved in a car wreck. It is more important than ever to exercise caution behind the wheel. Here are some tips to keep in mind as you travel this winter.
1. Schedule a Service Appointment for Your Vehicle
Before taking off on your holiday trip, you should make sure that your vehicle is ready for the road. The best way to do this is by booking an auto service appointment. The automotive technician can change the oil and filters, check your tire pressure, top off the fluids, change windshield wipers, and inspect the battery to ensure that your vehicle is in prime travel condition. The last thing that you will want to have to worry about is an unexpected breakdown ruining your holiday plans.
2. Plan Holiday Trips Strategically
With winter comes winter storms that can decrease your overall visibility on the road. Rain, snow, and ice make it more challenging to drive, so it’s a good idea to keep an eye on weather patterns in the days leading up to your trip and schedule driving time accordingly. Remember to give yourself plenty of time to travel as the increase in traffic congestion will likely make routes take longer. You may also need to pull over if you experience a great reduction in visibility, which will further increase your travel time.

You might also consider avoiding nighttime or overnight driving as these can reduce your visibility even more while also increasing driver fatigue. This is a combination that can significantly increase your risk on the road.
It’s also recommended to plan your route out ahead of time, including stops for gas and food. Many people rely on cell phone apps to help them navigate their trips, but you may find yourself traveling through areas with spotty cell service, especially if weather conditions are poor.
For peace of mind, you may want to invest in a GPS system for your vehicle or even pack a map to help you find your way if needed. Be sure to plan out a backup route in case you encounter blocked roads or heavy traffic. Coordinating your route in advance will help reduce stress as you navigate unknown roads with more confidence, and you won’t be as distracted trying to figure out how to get to your destination if your cell phone fails.
3. Minimize Driving Distractions
When you hit the road this winter, it’s imperative to avoid distractions. This is especially true if you will be driving for a long period of time traveling unknown routes.
With about 424,000 injuries reported by the CDC in 2019, distracted driving is a top contributor to auto accidents. There are many activities that can constitute distracted driving, including:
- Talking or texting on your cell phone
- Putting on makeup
- Changing radio stations or climate controls
- Eating and drinking
- Putting on an in-car movie for the kids
- Talking incessantly to passengers
All these activities take brain power and attention away from the most important task you have—driving. Keeping your eyes on the road will greatly reduce your risk of becoming involved in an accident this winter as you’ll better be able to notice changes in traffic and react quickly to avoid collisions.
4. Avoid Speeding or Tailgating
You may be in a hurry to get from one festivity to the next, but you shouldn’t make risky driving maneuvers to get there. Speeding is incredibly dangerous on winter roads as it decreases your ability to respond to changes in traffic or hazards on the roadway. According to the National Safety Council, speeding accounted for 32% of fatal crashes on roads covered in snow or slush in 2022. To be safe, you should always maintain the speed limit and even decrease your speed when the weather conditions are poor.
Tailgating is another aggressive driving behavior that can increase your risk of an accident. The driver in front of you may need to stop suddenly, and you won’t have as much room to brake. If the roads are wet or icy, it can be even more challenging to stop at a moment’s notice. You should increase your following distance to six to eight seconds during inclement weather. This will give you plenty of time to slow down or stop if needed.
5. Prevent Driver Fatigue
Driver fatigue, or “drowsy driving,” can be as dangerous as drunk driving. It occurs when motorists drive when they’re tired or when they drive for a long period of time without a rest. This can result in slower reaction times, reduced attention on the road, impaired judgement, and even falling asleep behind the wheel. You may “zone out” and be unable to recall some of the miles you drove to reach your destination.
If you are one of the many people planning a long-distance trip this season, you should take precautions to prevent driver fatigue. Before hitting the road, be sure to get a good night’s rest, and try to avoid driving at night. Take a break every two hours by getting out of your vehicle and taking a short walk or stretching. If needed, take a 20-minute nap in your vehicle in a safe, well-lit place. If there are other licensed drivers with you, you should consider alternating shifts to further reduce fatigue.
6. Don’t Drive Intoxicated
The holiday season is a time to celebrate, but you should avoid getting behind the wheel if you have been drinking. Be sure to arrange for a designated driver, use a ridesharing app, or simply wait until you’re sober to return home from festivities. Drunk driving can cause severe or even fatal accidents, particularly on wet and icy roads. Even a small amount of alcohol can be dangerous. It’s not worth the risk of injuring yourself or someone else, so don’t drink if you plan to drive.
Schedule a Legal Consultation Today
Have you been injured due to the fault of another driver this winter holiday season? The Law Office of Kyle W. Jones can help. We have collected more than $15 million in compensation for our clients, and our experienced Bakersfield auto accident attorney is ready to assist you. We understand that every accident is different, so we take an individualized approach to each case. We will review the details of your accident and inform you of your legal options. Our goal is to help you achieve the best possible outcome for your case.
When you work with us, you will have a professional legal representative who will provide you with honest, straightforward legal advice. From the initial paperwork to your settlement negotiations, we’ll assist you every step of the way. Contact the Law Office of Kyle W. Jones today to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation with a car accident attorney in Bakersfield.
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