Protecting Older People from Malpractice in Nursing Homes Recognizing the Dangers of Medical Mistakes in Elder Care The issue of errors in nursing facilities is a significant concern for many older residents in the Bakersfield area, encompassing Kern County communities like Shafter, Delano, Arvin, Tehachapi, and Wasco. Safeguarding the health and happiness of your relatives…

Lawsuits Against Kaiser Permanente and Skilled Nursing Facilities in Sacramento In Sacramento, healthcare includes major providers like Kaiser Permanente and numerous skilled nursing facilities (SNFs). While these institutions aim to provide quality care, instances of medical errors, negligence, and subsequent lawsuits are not uncommon. Understanding these issues is crucial for those affected and those seeking…

Medical Malpractice in Bakersfield: What You Need to Know Getting a Grasp on Medical Errors During Surgery Surgery always comes with risks, and despite preparation, complications can still occur. Yet when mistakes and negligence come into play, the impact can be catastrophic. In Bakersfield and neighboring Kern County areas, errors resulting from surgical mistakes, mishaps,…

What to Expect When Filing Personal Injury Claims If you have been involved in an auto accident, you may have injuries and property damage to deal with. Personal injury claims may be the last thing on your mind at the time, but it isn’t something that should be put off for very long. If you’ve…

Has COVID-19 Increased the Risk of Elder Abuse? Elder abuse was a serious public health problem well before COVID-19 hit the United States; however, the outbreak has only intensified the risk for seniors. With many states still maintaining social distancing and other limitations, much of the elderly population has had to face the ongoing pandemic…

When Should I File a Medical Malpractice Claim Against Kaiser? Kaiser Permanente insures millions of people throughout the state of California. This major health plan works by coordinating care with select network hospitals and doctors, leaving members with minimal choices in who they are able to see. When someone is injured due to the negligence…

Top Causes of Medical Malpractice   According to a 2016 study performed by John Hopkins researchers, medical errors account for 10% of all deaths in the U.S. This makes it the third leading cause of death behind cancer and heart disease. These errors are highly preventable by ensuring that all health care providers follow the…

Need to Know:  Medical Malpractice According to a 2016 study, medical negligence is the third leading cause of death in the United States, ranking just behind heart disease and cancer.  Researchers from John Hopkins School of Medicine, which led the study, cited errors such as bad doctors to systemic issues such as lack of communication…

Caring for our Loved Ones – Watching Out for Nursing Home Abuse Nearly everyone I talk to can share a story about caring for an older loved one and the challenges that brings.  Whether dealing with someone who has dementia or someone whose health is fragile brings a host of issues that can tax any…

My New Year’s Resolution – To Continue To Protect Your Rights! The idea of making New Year’s resolutions can be traced back to the ancient Babylonians, some 4,000 years ago.  They were also the first to hold official celebrations for New Year’s, during which time they would reaffirm their loyalty to their king (or elect…

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