Estate Planning Tips for Families: Key Considerations Is your family protected with a good estate plan? Many Americans never actually create one, leaving family members and other loved ones vulnerable when the primary financial contributor passes away. A carefully planned and executed estate plan will help safeguard your family’s financial future and ensure that your…

Avoiding Probate: How Trusts Simplify Your Estate Distribution  The Law Office of Kyle W. Jones offers comprehensive estate planning services in Bakersfield to help you prepare for the future. An estate plan will give you control over the distribution of your assets, ensuring that you can provide for your loved ones even after you pass…

5 Reasons to Update Your Estate Plan  How long has it been since you last updated your estate plan? If it’s been more than a few years, it may not precisely reflect your situation today. A lot can happen over your lifetime, and you should ensure that your estate planning documents are as up to…

The New Year Is a Great Time to Get Your Estate In Order As you gear up for another year, you should think about your estate plan. Have you experienced any major changes over the past 12 months, such as a marriage or the birth of a child? You’ll need to update your estate plan…

6 Essential Documents to Include in Your Estate Plan  Preparing for the future is essential to protect yourself, your family, and your assets. However, as of 2022, only just over 30% of Americans actually have an estate plan in place. If you don’t have a lot of property or other assets, you may not think…

Explore the Pros and Cons of Creating a Trust in an Estate Plan Wills and trusts are the primary estate planning documents that are used to transfer property after someone passes away. A will must undergo the probate process before any property is given to the designated beneficiaries. A trust, on the other hand, transfers…

Estate Planning Amid the Coronavirus Pandemic Coronavirus has upended the daily lives of billions of people across the world. It has never been more important to plan for the unexpected because nobody really knows what tomorrow will bring. If something were to happen to you, how would your family members get by without you? An…

5 Reasons to Amend Your Trust By establishing a living trust, you have already made a great step toward safeguarding your assets and protecting your loved ones. A living trust allows you to transfer many of your assets into the trust to be held during your lifetime. Your trust document will legally designate the beneficiaries…

When Should You Revise Your Estate Plan?   If you have completed your estate plan, you’re already a step ahead of many Americans. In fact, as many as 60% of adults in the United States don’t have a will or living trust in place. And many of the individuals who do decide to create an…

What Are the Differences Between a Will and a Living Trust?   When people start working on their estate plans, they often confuse the terms “will” and “trust”, so we’ll be discussing will and living trust differences below. These actually both play very important and distinct roles in estate planning. The right choice for you…

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