Bakersfield doesn’t get a lot of rain, which makes car accidents more likely to happen when the streets get wet. You may need a car accident lawyer to help you receive payments that cover your injury and time lost at work, no matter how an accident happens.

Car Accident Lawyer Tips

We recommend taking steps to avoid causing an accident before wet weather happens. Pay attention to the following:

  • Tires – Low tread or balding tires make traction difficult on slippery roads. Spend the time to have a professional check your tires for tread and also for inflation. Over- or under-inflated tires are also dangerous.
  • Brakes – Brake pads require regular changes to remain effective. Also, if you’re driving on wet roads, don’t ‘hit the brakes’ hard. Tap the brakes to stop and avoid a skid.
  • Headlights – Over time, headlights lose effectiveness due to a cloudy film on the headlight protector. See if you need to clean your headlights for brightest effect in the dark or on a cloudy, gray
  • Windshield wipers – We tend to forget about windshield wipers until we need them. Your wipers must do a good job of removing water consistently without streaks. Not being able to see well may cause an accident.

When it does rain, be ready. It takes longer to stop on a wet road, and drivers in Bakersfield don’t always understand those conditions.

Five ways to avoid an accident on wet streets:

  1. Leave plenty of time to get where you’re going – The last thing you want is to be in a rush when driving in bad weather. You need more time in case of delays due to accidents and/or you need to slow down in water that pools in the road. Driving faster also increases chances of losing control of the car.
  2. Pay attention – It’s never a good idea to drive with distractions. But in wet weather, a text, phone call, eating, drinking, or other activities can be deadly.
  3. Avoid lanes with deep water – Side lanes may fill up with water that causes the car to hydroplane. While this may seem unlikely in Bakersfield, it is common in other markets where you may drive. Make an effort to drive in the driest lane possible.
  4. Keep a wider distance – Wet conditions create longer stop times, even with good tires and brakes. You need 2-3 times more distance to stop, so don’t tailgate.
  5. Keep control – If your car does skid on wet or icy roads, steer in the direction that the car is sliding. Slamming on the brakes makes a skid worse. However, with anti-lock brakes, a steady pressure is good. If the car starts to hydroplane (loses traction with the road), then gently ease off of the accelerator and steer straight ahead until the car is under control.

If you’re in a car accident because someone runs into you and you’re injured, talk with a car accident lawyer to understand how your bills and losses will be paid. We have experience working with victims of all types of car accidents.


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