Explore the Pros and Cons of Creating a Trust in an Estate Plan Wills and trusts are the primary estate planning documents that are used to transfer property after someone passes away. A will must undergo the probate process before any property is given to the designated beneficiaries. A trust, on the other hand, transfers…

When Should I File a Medical Malpractice Claim Against Kaiser? Kaiser Permanente insures millions of people throughout the state of California. This major health plan works by coordinating care with select network hospitals and doctors, leaving members with minimal choices in who they are able to see. When someone is injured due to the negligence…

Injured in a Red Light Accident? Call us now! Red light runners cause countless accidents every year here in the state of California. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, 846 people lost their lives in crashes caused by red light running in just the year 2018 alone. It is an extremely dangerous practice…

Elder Abuse Prevention & Detection Abuse against the elderly population is a growing concern as Americans are living longer today than ever before. Millions of elderly adults are victims of abuse each year. More than half of these elderly abuse cases go unreported to authorities. The World Health Organization estimates that 1 in 6 seniors are…

Kyle Jones & Moneywise: A One-Stop-Shop I’m fortunate to practice in Bakersfield where we have a host of local, independent resources available to assist my clients.  One such resource is Moneywise Wealth Management, with whom I have a long-standing professional relationship. Their financial advisory team consists of David Anderson, Sherod Waite, Garro Ellis, Kris Pelster…

6 Signs of Elder Abuse in Nursing Home Facilities   In 2018, the World Health Organization(WHO) reported that 1 in 6 people over the age of 60 were abused in community facilities. However, only 1 in 24 cases of abuse are ever reported to authorities. Victims are often afraid to come forward with their grievances,…

People involved in car accidents often have good reason to find a personal injury lawyer. But conversations with insurance companies may happen before you have the opportunity to talk with a local personal injury lawyer. Because the process may begin before you’re completely ready, it’s helpful to know how insurance companies handle personal injury claims….

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